12.7 C

Šokirat će vas koliko kalorija unosite u tijelo zdravim zalogajima

No, pojedete li sve te namirnice u danu, unijet ćete 722 kalorije što je na tjednoj bazi 5054 kalorije. Šokantnije od toga može zvučati podatak da ćete sa 16,5 McDonald'sovih cheeseburgera unijeti 4966 kalorija. 

To je podatak s grafike koju su objavili australski nutricionisti koji stoje iza programa Equalution. Smatraju da takve informacije sada moraju doći do ljudi jer mnogi u izolaciji imaju potrebu češće jesti pa biraju ono što misle da je zdravo, ali računica na kraju pokazuje da to baš i nije tako, posebno ako se zbog izolacije ne bave tjelesnom aktivnošću. 

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☕ WHY IT'S SO IMPORTANT TO TRACK YOUR SNACKS ???? You might think just a handful of nuts or an extra full-cream coffee a day won't make much difference. But when you add it all together ???? over the week, those three little eggs you were snacking on suddenly become BIG calorie figures. In tracking EVERYTHING you eat for the day into your Equalution app ????, you can: 1. Monitor exactly how many calories are in those snacks 2. Be aware of how quickly they start to add up At Equalution, we factor in two delicious ???? (and nutritious) snacks every day, as well as dessert, that perfectly fit your calorie, macro and micro goals. This means you can still enjoy ALL the foods you love ????, while working towards being the best and healthiest you. It's time to take the guesswork out of weight loss. Need a little help learning about the scientific approach? Let's talk. ???? info@equalution.com ???? PAYMENT PLANS AVAILABLE ???? LINK IN OUR BIO

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Možda mislite da šaka orašida ili kava s mlijekom neće učiniti razliku. Ali kad to zbrojite na tjednoj bazi i dodate ona tri čokoladna jaja koja ste gricnuli negdje usput, dolazi se do ozbiljne brojke”, napisali su. 

Njihov savjet je da pratite unos kalorija i budete svjesni kako se one nakupljaju.

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 “Socijalna distanca je sada važna, ali boravak u kući može biti okidač za nesvjesno jedenje. Postoje taktike da to izbjegnete. Prvo je da vam hrana ne bude u vidokrugu. Pratite što jedete u danu. Uvijek spremite točne porcije grickalica kako se ne biste prejedali i pazite da ipak ostvarite kalorijski deficit, koliko god je sad to možda teško postići. Neka vaša prehrana bude uravnotežena”, predlažu. 

Svoje sugestije za uspješno održavanje linije kod kuće pretvorili su u zanimljivu grafiku koja će biti odličan podsjetnik na što sve pripaziti kako biste ljeto dočekali spremni.

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Our Tribe have been LOVING all of our social-distancing tips and knowledge, so we're going to keep sharing! Today we're focusing on SUCCEEDING FROM HOME, as a lot of you have reached out and shared the struggles you've been facing from being at home all the time. Here are some quick tips to focus on: ✔️ Keep focusing on your goals! This is just another hurdle in your journey, but nothing we can't handle together ✔️ Use it as a time to progress now that you (most likely) have more time at home to cook and prepare your meals ✔️ If it helps, eating at particular times of the day is a good way to stick to a routine and stay on track ✔️ Stick to your calorie, macro and micro numbers, because the only way you'll gain weight is by eating over this. We've had LOADS of questions about lowering intake goals due to many people exercising less, which is something we can monitor with you over a couple of weeks and adjust. HOWEVER, a lot of females maintain on MORE THAN 1200 a day, some even upwards of 1800. Before you start self-adjusting, chat to us and we can help you figure out if you need to adjust or not ✔️ Above all, BE KIND TO YOURSELF! This is a crazy time we're going through, and there is no right or wrong way to deal with everything. Trying to keep life as normal as possible is going to help us all get through together though, and our team are always here to help if you need us ???? #wellness #socialdistancing #selfdistance #socialisolation #stayinghome #mealprep #mealplans #cleaneats #cleaneating #nutritionhowto #nutritionguidance #eatwellbewell

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